Ohioans Are Vermonters…

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Remember that beach? It’s now just a lake.

SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vt.- After experiencing the Nor’easter (the crazy snowstorm in the Northeast that just occurred in Vermont.) I am fully convinced that Ohioans, specifically so-called Clevelanders, could and can survive in Vermont. Hence… here I am. I’m alive.

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Snow cakes to the trees.

I don’t know how many inches of snow we got. But to throw a number out, it could be exaggerated… 45 inches… or so, it seems like that much. This snowy experience is exactly like the fabulous lake effect snow we find near Cleveland… only in Vermont it’s useful.

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Killington Mountain’s celebratory Instagram.

There are 43 different skiing and riding resorts just in Vermont. A big snow storm, like the Nor’easter, is celebrated (unless it causes power outages on opening day for one of the resorts, #unlucky). The only downfall to the crazy amount of snow… driving… and for me driving at 3:30am to get to my job.

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Nice Vermonter helps van, without snow tires, up a hill.

Hello slip and slide highways! However, there are 250 salt trucks here. Talk about big-time bosses at taking care of the whitest of roadways. But only on the main roads… try driving on those backroads and you’re stranded. Snow tires are serious… think you can get away with “all weather”… you’re wrong.



Good thing I am getting snow tires put on my car five days after the Nor’easter. Of course.

“Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle,
But put me in summer and I’ll be a, happy snowman!” – Olaf the snowman from Frozen…

I feel you Olaf… there are both highs and lows of winter but overall I enjoy summer too.
